
Santorini Park


Santorini Park is indeed a beautiful site to take your ootd pictures! Everywhere just looks so much like the real Santorini. It makes me feel like I’m in Greece. It is a pleasant place perfect for families & a group of best buddies (-:










 Little shops and cafes are aligned all over the park with different coloured theme. There is also a water park for the adventurous ones. The entrance fee to Santorini park is 150baht (S$6.09) and if I’m not wrong, the entrance fee to the water park is a separate transaction. Basically, this place is more suitable for just building memories and capturing moments. Everyone should visit Santorini Park at least once (-: Do not forget your camera!

Address: 76120 Phetchaburi Cha-am District Kao Yai, Tambon Kao Yai, Amphoe Cha-am, Chang Wat Petchaburi 76120

Website: http://www.santoriniparkchaam.com

Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 10am - 7pm
                           Sat - Sun  9am - 7pm
Tel: 3277 2999

There is no Grab/Uber in Hua hin, so I suggest you call a taxi for you to 
access to different places in Hua hin.

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