
Neem Trees Thai Bistro


Neem trees is a cute little bistro that has a floral lifestyle theme. Posters on brick walls , polkadot sofa with cushions and floral victorian-style chairs do catch the customer’s attention. The exterior is decorated with greens like a garden. The Thai food here is so delicious that it makes me crave for more. 








Right beside the bistro, Neem trees has a similar themed cafe that sells desserts and drinks only. After our scrumptious meal, we went over for a drink. The layout of the cafe makes us feel very cozy. 
Try out Neem trees if you haven’t!

Address: 1446/39 Petchkasem Road, Cha-Am Petchaburi

Opening hours: 9am - 8pm (Daily)

Tel: 3244 2066

There is no Grab/Uber in Hua hin, so I suggest you call a taxi for you to 
access to different places in Hua hin. 

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