Bali: Unforgettable Mount Batur hiking experience


Hey! I will be sharing with you my hiking experience up Mount Batur. Continue reading for more!

Left our hotel at 1.30am and travelled 2hrs+ to Mount Batur. As soon as we arrived, we arranged ourselves into a single file and started our climb. I thought to myself, “This is it. The long awaited Mt Batur climb that everyone was talking about.” It was only a few hours past midnight and there we were, hiking in complete darkness with only our torchlights as our source of light, and walking stick for support. 

Even with these items, I could not contain my clumsy self and slipped. Before I fell on my bottoms, someone grabbed hold of me from in front and set me upright. It was our Balinese guide who was constantly leading us, and preventing us from falling. Since we were not professional mountain climbers, engaging a guide made us feel more secure. As there were several paths at certain points, we would have been lost if it weren’t for the guide. They also provided us with the torchlight and walking stick. 
Not knowing whats around me made me wary of my surroundings. However, as I kept on climbing, the only thought in my mind was “Where is the end?” 
We couldn’t tell how far we have climbed and how much further till we reach the top. My legs were starting to get tired and I could feel the adrenaline rush. Every step made my heart pump faster. I was not physically fit, neither do I have a great stamina. The guide told us that we were only 30 minutes away to the top. My body wanted to give up, but my mind kept me going. It became a battle of mind over matter. “Just a little bit more, I can do this!” I constantly reminded myself. During that time, it felt like eternity. One minute felt like five, and thirty minutes did not seem to arrive. 
I was too conscious about my footing that I did not realise the beauty in front of me. Brilliant gold, orange and red hues bled like fire over the skyline. The sight stirred my heart and I knew I was reaching the top. 
As we climbed higher and higher, the clouds were getting lower and lower. Streaks of pink wander to the end of the earth and a light purple reaches to the horizon. 
I shifted my eyes towards the view. This was it. I made it to the top! I stared out at the morning sky and could not help but smile from ear to ear. Everyone’s smile reflected the light of the sun when it is the brightest. After a long cold night, the breaking of dawn brought glimmers of warmth. 
Another mountain lay in the distance like a green camel hump, backed by cotton candy clouds as the earliest sun rays caught the summit. It was paradise.

Every angle looked so picturesque, I could not take my hands off the camera.

The guided tour also comes with breakfast - Egg sandwich, banana, eggs, tea and hot chocolate.
Simple but most rewarding meal to us!! Breakfast never tasted so good (-: 

To be honest, I did not want to leave. It was calming here - a place you can’t help but appreciate all that life has to offer. 

Going down was tougher as it was steep and covered with rocks. However, it was not as shag as I thought it would be. We were cautious throughout and soon enough we were back to the starting point. When we reached the bottom, we still couldn’t believe we went through all of that. Although we were the last to descend the climb, our guide was still very patient with us. It took us about 2hrs or so to get to the top.
Climbing Mt Batur was a challenge especially when it was my first time. However, you don’t have to be physically fit to climb one. It solely depends on your mind, whether you want to keep on going. It was the desire to keep moving higher, knowing that it is going to be a beautiful ending that’s led me to complete this climb. Mother Nature is magnificent and I encourage all of you who is travelling to Bali for the first time to spare half a day to experience the unforgettable.

It is said that Mt Batur is one of the easiest to climb. Could not imagine what it will be like for Mount Agung - the highest and most sacred mountain in Bali. It takes about eight hours to reach the summit. If I were given a chance, I would do it. I’d like to experience the “on top of the world” feeling again. 

  1. Have an early rest. The hike usually starts around 3.30am-4.30am, so you will need all the energy to climb Mt Batur.
  2. Eat a little before you climb. You do not want to go up there with an empty stomach if your guide does not provide breakfast. Do not eat too much as we want to prevent puking during the climb. 
  3. Bring lots of water. Stay hydrated!
  4. Bring along some money. Some of the stops and guides sell drinks so you can always get one from them. Not only that, for those who cannot carry on, they have services where they take you to the top on a mountain bike. 
  5. Bring an extra torchlight incase the one the guide gave you runs out of battery
  6. Do not overdress - wear layers. (Wear a jacket as it gets really cold at night and then you can also take it off when it gets hot) Recommended attire: T-shirt/tank top, long pants, jacket, comfortable trekking or sport shoes. 
  7. Engage a guide. No matter how experienced you are, nothing is safer than someone who has climbed the same mountain several times a week.
  8. At times where you feel like giving up, gaze up at the sky full of stars! A motivation to keep on moving.
  9. Take breaks in between if you feel like you cannot continue. 
  10. Be cautious. Some parts may be steep so do look out for each other and help one another.

With that being said, I hope this inspired you to climb Mount Batur and just appreciate nature. The world is yours to explore and every person has their own story to tell. Life is a journey full of pictures, places and stories so be free, be amazing and stay hungry for adventure!  

Love, Aly

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